Community food security manuals
Developed two manuals to support community food security projects in Honduras.
Horticulture manual
Guía práctica de la horticultura intensiva y orgánica para huertos familiares
The title translates as A practical guide to organic, intensive horticulture for family gardens. I wrote this manual to support community food security projects I designed and managed in collaboration with women’s groups in rural Honduras (see the companion project development manual below). The manual was originally developed to support technical trainings for the projects. However, it went through several iterations and printings to support multiple community food security projects in the western region of Honduras. It was adopted by Peace Corps Honduras to be used in the training of Volunteers in the new Food Security program and to support its community projects.
Family gardens training manual
La soberanía alimentaria y los huertos familiares: Un manual para el desarrollo de capacitaciones y proyectos comunitarios
The title translates as Food sovereignty and family gardens: A manual to develop workshops and community projects. I wrote this manual to complement the technical horticulture manual. It details how to design and manage community food security projects, including outlining comprehensive horticulture workshops, group management strategies, vermiculture bin design, and garden design, amongst other topics. It was adopted by Peace Corps Honduras for its new Food Security program.