Community health center in Honduras
Petition to the Honduran national government for a rural health center in Potrerillos, the rural community where I lived in western Honduras from 2009 to 2011. There was only one health center in the municipality (like a county), which was difficult and costly for many villages to access.
The petition lays out the case for why Potrerillos was the most suitable location for an additional health center (largest village outside the municipal seat, along the main road, centrally located between many other smaller communities, etc). The need for the community center was identified through a series of community meetings with needs assessments, surveys, and ultimately a pairwise ranking.
I developed the petition in collaboration with a committee of community leaders, enumerating historical antecedents for the effort, contributions of the different parties involved (local community, PLAN Honduras, municipal government). I gathered signatures and facilitated meetings between local leaders, the municipal mayor, and the national health secretariat in the capital. The project was approved and the health center installed just before I left Honduras in 2011.